Find Book New Citie’s Food Trucks
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Happy Holidays On The Street
simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the indummytext ever since when printertobledit to make a type specimen bIt not only five centuries,

Our truck menu is constantly evolving. If you come to the truck and do not see a pizza listed that you would like

Supreme Calzone $20.00
Ham, salami, cheese, green pepper, onions mushrooms, black olives and sauce

Pizza Margherita $35.00
Ham, salami, cheese, green pepper, onions mushrooms, black olives and sauce

Pizza al Pesto $15.00
Ham, salami, cheese, green pepper, onions mushrooms, black olives and sauce

Our Schedule
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11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

We Can Deliver Anywhere in The World
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